
Do you like to gamble?  No, not on the ponies, at the craps table or with your friends at the weekly poker game. Do you like to gamble with your future? Risk your most prized possessions? Your home or homes? Your car or cars? The financial well being of yourself and your family? No, of course you don’t. But . . . how do you know, truly know, you aren’t? Let’s go back to “regular” gambling for a moment. At that weekly poker game, you have a pretty good idea what you have to lose. The money in your pocket, mainly. Maybe a friend will float you a loan if you’re broke and want to keep playing. But it’s nickel-ante, for crying out loud! How much could you lose? And that time you went to Vegas. You budgeted $500 for gambling. You hoped you’d come home in the black, but you were prepared for the alternative. After all, those giant casinos weren’t built on the winnings of people like you. “Regular” gambling -- you have a handle on that. The risks. The potential rewards. But what about that other kind of gambling? Losing your house? All of your assets? Everything you’ve worked for all these years? What about that? With “regular” gambling, you probably played a mental game that could be called “How much?” How much can I afford to lose tonight, this weekend, whenever? You were comfortable with that. Maybe your answer changed in the process and maybe your losses were a bit more than you were initially willing to accept, but you survived the experience and probably learned from it.

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