Auto Insurance

There were over 10-million traffic accidents in the U.S. in 2009 (latest available data) and 33,808 people died in motor vehicle crashes in those accidents, according to data released by the Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS). The number one cause of death for American's between the ages of 5 and 34 were auto accidents. Over 2.3 million drivers and passengers received treatment in emergency rooms in 2009, and the costs of those accidents including deaths and disabling injuries was around $70 billion.

While all states do not require drivers to have auto insurance, most do have requirements regarding financial responsibility in the event of an accident. Many states do periodic random checks of drivers for proof of insurance. If you do not have coverage, the fines can vary by state and can range from the suspension of your license, to points on your driving record, to fines from $500 to $1,000. 

If you drive without auto insurance and have an accident, the fines will probably be the least of your financial burden. Your car, like your home is a valuable asset you use every day. If your car is damaged in an accident and you have no auto insurance, you will have no way to replace that vehicle unless you have a large savings account, and you don't really want to tap into that savings when auto insurance could cover the cost. 

If you, a passenger or the other driver is injured in the accident, your auto insurance will pay those expenses, and help guard you against any litigation that might result from the accident. Auto insurance also protects your vehicle against theft, vandalism or a natural disaster such as a tornado or other weather related incidents.

Again, as with all insurances, your individual circumstances will determine the price of your auto insurance. The best advice is to seek out several rate quotes, read the coverage provided carefully and check periodically to see if you qualify for lower rates based on age, driving record or the area where you live. 

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